Have you taken advantage of our new superfast network?

Digital Greenwich Connect is a full-fibre, ultrafast, gigabit-capable network for businesses and residents across the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Ultrafast Fibre Postcode Checker

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    Before submitting your information, please confirm you are a business user and are looking to connect for business purposes. We are unable to provide recommendations for residential users.

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    Thanks! A member of our team will be in touch soon to discuss a quote.


    As it's owned by the region, our network and services can be tailored quickly to specific requirements.

    Budget conscious

    We will be more cost-effective than current alternatives, with a range of options available.

    Built for you

    Our network is backed by the local authority and is being built to serve you.


    Find a trusted service provider with sector and regional expertise through our technology partners.

    The Digital Greenwich Connect Fibre Guide

    Explore our introduction to full fibre and learn more by downloading our fibre guide here.

    Before submitting your information, please confirm you are a business user and are looking to connect for business purposes. We are unable to provide recommendations for residential users.

    Why Digital Greenwich Connect?

    Thank You

    Click below to download your fibre guide.